erm..ok..bawu2 ni ayah member aku, jaja pergi menghadap ilahi...sehari sebelum kita berpuasa...aku dpt tau berita ni dari umair..dye text aku...sumpah aku terkejut ng berita ni...ea lah..sehari sebelum tue, aku ng member2 aku g maen bowling..happy2 kt sana..then esok ny dapat berita ni...
aku xberpeluang nk visit jaja..(soe ja...) member yg laen g visit dye..tapi masa dowg g tue, jaja xde..dye g melaka...
sekarang..jaja da laen da..da xcm dlu...luaran nmpak dye tenang..tapi hati dye kita xtau...aku tau sekarang ni, mudah sgt dye menangis...aku nak aku xtau nak tolong cm ne...memang pedih tuk dye terima...aku faham keadaan tue..tapi....
aku tau kau sedih..aku pun sedih...aku sayang kau sgt2...dengan apa yg terjadi ni..aku tau separuh semangat kau hilang...aku cuba nak tolang kau..nk tenangkan kau..nak happy kan kau..tapi aku buntu..aku tak tau nak wat cm ne..aku takut tindakan aku nanti, akan lukakan perasaan kau..akan buat kau sedih lagi...
kau jgn lemah ja..kau kuatkan? aku tau kau kuat strong...semua ada ng kau..kita orang semua sayang kau ja...aku tau kau rindu ng ayah kau...aku faham perasaan kau...lau ayah kau tau keadaan kau cm ni, mesti dia sedih...mesti dia tak nak kau sedih...
ramai yg support kau...kau jangan pernah lupa kt ayah kau..kau kirim doa pada dia tiap kali lepas solat..insyALLAH, doa kau di makbulkan dan ayah kau dapat doa dari kau...memang ayah kau da jauh dari kau..tapi kau ingat satu jeq...dia tetap dekat ng kau...kau kn anak dia...
tak ada siapa yg boleh amek tempat ayah kau dr hati kau....sebab nama kau berbinti kan nama ayah kau & ayah kau akan selalu ng kau..sejak kau kecik sampai sekarang...kau tak pernah jauh dari dia...
walaupun xnmpak jasad, tapi kau boleh rasa kasih sayang yg ayah kau beri...
kau membesar dengan didikan yg cukup dari ayah kau..kau jadi anak yg baik, anak yg berguna pada keluarga...
be strong..aku sedih tengok kau...mengalir air mata aku tengok kau...tiap2 malam aku doa agar kau bahagia & selamat dunia akhirat...doa aku sentiasa untuk kau...& kawan2 yang lain....
kau tabah sangat..kuat semangat kau..aku tak tau kalau aku berada kt tempat kau...mungkin aku tak sekuat kau ja..mungkin aku tak setabah kau ja...
i want my little jaja back...give back my old jaja..jaja yg ceria..jaja yg manis d pandang..jaja yg comell dan jaja yg paling aku sayang.....
i want my jaja
we want our jaja....
be strong sayang.....
25 August 2010
18 August 2010
when bunga terpelihara berkata...
tetibe aku tingat zaman sekolah2 dulu...mula dengan tadika kemas, masuk darjah satu kt sekolah rendah kebangsaan sulaiman, bentung..then pindah sekolah kt raub..darjah 2 sampai 3 kt sekolah rendah kebangsaan bandar raub..then darjah 4 sampai 6 sekolah methodist (G) school...
masuk alam sekolah menengah..dari form 1 sampai form 5 kt sekolah menengah kebangsaan tengku kudin..then sambung form 6 dua tahun kt sekolah menengah kebangsaan mahmud...
memang best masa sekolah dulu..heehe ea la..masa tu semua innocent belaka...bukan budak jenayah ag...
naek form 4, bawu jd budak xde la sampai kantoi ng cikgu disiplin..aku ingat ag cikgu disiplin masa tu..cikgu khalid biku..garang cikgu ni..tapi incik cikgu ni la paling sempoi..leh gelak2 ag...
laen lak cite ny masa aku form 6...dua tahun form 6 aku duk hostel...mngada2 jeq nk duk hostel..padahal umah dekat jeq...hehehe
da duk hostel ni, so kau sure terikat ng segala peraturan yg ada...
tapi budak form 6 warden malas nk amek kisah sgt..pd warden, budak2 form 6 ni faham bahasa..da dpt green light dr warden ni...bermaharaja lela lah...lelaki ke perempuan ke sama jeq semua..masuk air belaka..hehehe ( form 6 jeq aw )
masa lower 6 ni la mula kenal chenta2 ni..sebelum ni sebutir mende tak tahu chenta2 ni..lau owg tny, sure aku tny balek.."chenta ni makanan ke?" seee..naif ny aku masa dulu...suda2!!..tutup bab chenta2 ni....kang keluar hikayat seri pujangga puteri sulung amira kang.... :p
pe yang aku nk cite ni..kes2 jenayah yg aku wat kt hostel la...walaupun aku ni pengawas ( setiausaha ag aw ), tapi aku xde la baek sgt cm pengawas2 yg laen..yg follow all the rules...ok2..start cite with;
makan meggi berperisa teh o dalam gayung mandi....
kowg penah rasa meggi perisa teh o? nk lagi sedap mkn dalam gayung? penah? tempat kau de? hehehehe mende ni senior aku la punya keje...first day budak2 lower 6 masuk hostel..kire macam welcome ceremony la...malam tu, senior2 ni swoh kumpul kt bilek jamuan selamat datang katany..kiteowg yg lurus binti bendul ni, follow jeq la...dari tangga ag kowg da dpt bau air teh o...teh o yg wanggi tu aw...pas tu deria bau kowg akan terbau2 gak meggi...(dalam hati..wah..baek ny senior ak ni..siap masak meggi ng air teh o..) bile kau masuk jeq bilek..indah khabar dari rupa..hahaha
mknan kt tengah2 bilek..budak2 bilek da kumpul nk raikan kau...kau bersila jeq...terus tekak kau kembang cm bunga kembang semangkuk tu...kau bayang kan la..meggi ng air teh o?? putus zarah ke pe nk makan??? sampai suda aku xmkn mende alah tu...
next year bile aku da jd senior..tradisi ini maseh di kekalkan...tapi aku xde la zalim cm kawan2 aku yg laen...member ak lagi zalim..wat meggi ng air teh...kembang tekak dowh! pastu confirm kau akan jd teman serasi cik tandas..hahahah
putus kan wayar speker...
ni lah jenayah pertama yg aku wat..masa tu aku ng 3 owg membe ak, fiah, aida ng watie..kiteowg mmg da berbulu ng speker ni..port speker ni tul2 sblh bilek aku..kt tangga..(aku bilek hujung sekali)..yg membuat kan kiteowg xpuas hati ng speker ni sbb ny, bile nk lelap jeq la annoucement yg masuk...bising siott! yg tukang bg annoucement ni pun satu hal..xkire masa...annouce yg penting2 suda announcement yg gedik2 pun nk baca...bising la oi!!
satu malam pas prepp class..ak ng member ak 3 owg ni...mule operasi..alatan2 yg perlu mmg da bawak da...malam tu, kiteowg gune gunting(ak xtau aida dpt kt ne gunting kaen tu), spanar, ng skru driver...tuk alatan memanjat, fiah da seludup tangga pakcik tukang kebun sculahh...masa waktu scullah...tah cam mana minah ni punggah tangga pun aku xtau..hehhe
watie tukang usya line..mana la tau..wat ny warden tersampuk nk ronda2 ni...mati la lau kantoi..hehehe sblum mula operasi, make sure semua da tdo..lau x kang de jeq yg ringan mulut g ngadu kt warden...(alhamdulillah..budak2 ni faham senior dowg ni cm ne..hehehe) da puas berhempas pulas, akhir ny selesai misi pertama ni d tangan aku....da aku yg rancang..mmg aku la yg kena wat..hehehe takut kantoi t, aku sorok bahan2 bukti kt stor scullah pg sok ny...budak2 ngh breakfast kt DEMA, aku ng member ak da blah g scullah..hehehe akhir ny aman suda floor aku tanpa bising2 ni...
the rest is history...
fly g kedai makan depan pejabat PPD nk beli nasi goreng...
aku ase sapa2 yg penah duk hostel, musti penah fly kan?? spe yg penah fly angkat tangan! hahahaha
sapa yg xpenah fly masa duk hostel, aku sekeh kang...budak sebaek2 budak pun leh pulak budak jenayah..heehehhe
kedai makan yg aku cite ni dekat jeq ng hostel aku...sebetul ny, dekat ng ASPURA..sbb tu lau kes2 fly ni, budak2 ASPURA jeq..ASPURI baek weh..hehhehe
ok2....cite ny cm ni...mlm ni kiteowg study sampai mid night...tgh2 study ni lapo la plak...berdondang sayang lak pwot ni mintak makanan...da tahan sgt lapo ny..aku message member aku kt ASPURA...xtau la mamat ni wat pe kt ASPURA..tdo kot...hehehe
"weh...kau xkuar ke? nk kirim..."
"kuar kot..jap g..tgk bola..kau nk kirim pe?" (F)
"nk kirim nasi goreng ikan masin 3..aku, fiah ng aida..kau bg sblum bola aw..."
"ok2...tggu kt tempat biasa..." (F)
"cepat aw..sekarang..lapar siott!...da siap roger ak.."
"sabar lah makcik oii!! aku nk siap2 ni..."
the rest is history..
kes aku ng member2 aku fly..masa tu nk g kedai topup nk photostate note..hehehe kiteowg ikt route yg biasa la...blakang ASPURA..kena lnggar semak ket...then da nmpk jln da..hehehe
selalu gak aku ng dak2 ni fly...bese ny g makan kt kedaiyg aku ckp awal2 td la....
thnx for reading yaw! hehehe :)
fly g kedai makan depan pejabat PPD nk beli nasi goreng...
aku ase sapa2 yg penah duk hostel, musti penah fly kan?? spe yg penah fly angkat tangan! hahahaha
sapa yg xpenah fly masa duk hostel, aku sekeh kang...budak sebaek2 budak pun leh pulak budak jenayah..heehehhe
kedai makan yg aku cite ni dekat jeq ng hostel aku...sebetul ny, dekat ng ASPURA..sbb tu lau kes2 fly ni, budak2 ASPURA jeq..ASPURI baek weh..hehhehe
ok2....cite ny cm ni...mlm ni kiteowg study sampai mid night...tgh2 study ni lapo la plak...berdondang sayang lak pwot ni mintak makanan...da tahan sgt lapo ny..aku message member aku kt ASPURA...xtau la mamat ni wat pe kt ASPURA..tdo kot...hehehe
"weh...kau xkuar ke? nk kirim..."
"kuar kot..jap g..tgk bola..kau nk kirim pe?" (F)
"nk kirim nasi goreng ikan masin 3..aku, fiah ng aida..kau bg sblum bola aw..."
"ok2...tggu kt tempat biasa..." (F)
"cepat aw..sekarang..lapar siott!...da siap roger ak.."
"sabar lah makcik oii!! aku nk siap2 ni..."
the rest is history..
kes aku ng member2 aku fly..masa tu nk g kedai topup nk photostate note..hehehe kiteowg ikt route yg biasa la...blakang ASPURA..kena lnggar semak ket...then da nmpk jln da..hehehe
selalu gak aku ng dak2 ni fly...bese ny g makan kt kedaiyg aku ckp awal2 td la....
thnx for reading yaw! hehehe :)
12 August 2010
cerita kita.. part 1...
lokasi: stesen LRT.
masa: 5.00 - 6.00 ptg
mode: saya sayang dye....
watak: A= lelaki
B= perempuan
A: "saya suka mata awak yg coklat tu.."
B: "oh..awak suka mata saya yg coklat?"
A: "emm..saya suka betul.."
B: " emm..emmm.."
A: " rambut awak pun saya suka.."
B: " saya suka tengok kening awak...cantik.."
A: " awak suka tengok kening saya?"
A: "emmm.."
B: " saya suka tengok kening awak..."
A: " saya pun suka tgk mata awak.."
B: "oh..awak suka tengok mata saya? "
A: " ya..saya suka tengok mata awak.."
B: " aa..." (sambil senyum)
A: " kalau awak bercakap pun, awak cakap aa aa pun saya suka.."
B: " oh..kalau saya cakap aa aa pun awak suka?"
A: " aa.."
B: " aa.."
A: " saya suka tengok lesung pipit awak..."
B: " awak suka tengok lesung pipit saya?..saya pun suka tengok lesung pipit awak.."
A: " saya suka tengok awak senyum.."
B: ' awak suka tangok saya senyum?"
A: " aa..."
B: " awak suka tangok saya senyum?"
A: " ya..saya suka.."
B: " awak suka tengok saya senyum?"
A: " haa..saya suka sangat tengok awak senyum..."
B: " awak suka tengok saya senyum?"
A: " ya..saya suka sangat tengok awak bila senyum..."
B: " saya pun suuuka tengok mata awak..."
A: " suuuka tengok mata saya...betul?"
B: " betul..."
A: "ooo..."
B: " ooo..."
the rest is history....
I miss you when something really good happens,
because you are the one I want to share it with.
I miss you when something is troubling me,
because you are the one who understands me so well.
I miss you when I laugh and cry
because i know that you are the one that makes my laughter grow and my tears disappear.
I miss you all the time,
but I miss you most when i lay awake at night and think of all the wonderful times we spent with each other for those were some of the best times of my life.”
thnx for reading yaw!
11 August 2010
my kids at Tadika Kasturi...
tetibe aku tingin nk tulis sal student ak kt tadika kasturi..hehehe aku start keje kt taska ni bulan part timer teacher atau bhsa parlimen ny, guru sandaran tidak terlatih..hehehe
aku dpt offer job ni dr owner tadika ni..asal ny adek aku penah scullah kt sini...mse aku kena tggu adek ak dlu, aku kenal2 la ng owner tadika ni..senior aku gak ah... :)
da lama gak ak xvisit taska ni...bulan lepas aku dpt call dr owner tadika ni..
"tadika nk gune partimer teacher la..sbb cekgu lin cuti bersalin..nk x?
abg byr kt adek rm 375/month.."
"keje bpe lama? "
"start bulan ni smpai bulan 10...leh? "
"erm..leh la..class adek pun 2 hr jeq sem adek msuk ngajar hri rabu smpai jumaat jeq la..
bole? "
" isnin ng selasa abg letak cekgu laen.."
the rest is history...
start pd tu, aku mule berjinak2 ng arena perguruan ni..hehhe
ak kena handle budak 5 tahun...then aku kena ajr english! aduhh......
first class aku, tuhan jeq yg tau..kowg byg kn la..first time ngjar..budak under age lak...xreti duk diam..ase nk nanges..sumpah aku tak tipu..huhuhu da lah xde cekgu senior handle ng aku mse tu..
mmg xcukup tenaga pengajar masa ni..
second day,
nmpk perubahan ny sket..agk2 ny dak2 ni kne sound kot ng head..hehehe
masa aku in jeq lam class, semua bgn...
"gud morning teacher..."
bayangkan la budak umor 5 tahun cko cm tu...soooo coommeeellllll.....heheehe
masa tu tuhan jeq yg tau perasaan aku...bile kids greet kt aku..ase cm akulah cekgu paling bertuah sekali..hehehee
makin lama, makin selesa..aku ng kids pun da leh borak2 lau de masa senggang...
bnyk cerita budak2 yg cite sal patung barbie doll la, otromen la...macam2 la...
yg perempuan ny mcm ni, lelaki ny mcm ni...hehehee
ni jgn cite la..lari2 dlm class..sampaikan ng aku2 sekali dye langgar...
punce ny, sowg ni amek pemadam yg sowng ni...nk gurau2 la ng tanggapan budak2 ni laen ket..hehehehe
penah sekali, aku ngh tanda buku kerja dowg, tibe2 dtg 3 owg kt meja aku...beratur kt depan aku...
aisyah, haiqal ng adam..ehehe
aisyah: "teacher wat ape?"
teacher: " teacher ngh tanda buku aisyah la..."
adam: "oooo..teacher2 semalam adam g aktif..adam jupe patung otromen caler biru..cantik teacher.."
teacher: "adam beli x?"
adam: "x...mama xbg..." ( ng muke sedey nk tarik perhatian aku...)
haiqal: " teacher2, semalam haiqal jln..nampak teacher..teacher g mana? "
teacher: " ha? haiqal nmpak teacher?? haiqal g mana? "
haiqal: " haiqal sje jln2 ng baba...nmpk kete teacher kt kedai gmbr cawan beso2 tu..."
teacher: " owh..teacher jumpe kwn teacher kt situ..."
aisyah: " owh..yg selalu dtg kt sekolah tu ea teacher? "
the rest is history...
masuk bulan puasa ni..lagi lah budak2 ni...pening aku di buat ny...
hr ni first day puasa kt tadika...hehehe
kids dtg jeq pg td, semua ok lagi..hehehe ceria ag..
tapi bila msuk tgh hari...semua melepek..hehehe penat ah..
eh2..lupa lak nk bgtau...
kali ni tadika wat seruan pd kids, spe2 dpt puase penuh, akn d beri ganjaran time raya...hehehe
budak2 bese la...awal2 pagi ceria la...xduduk jeq keje ny...
tapi..bile masuk jeq tgh hari....semua dah xdaya...semua mintak air...
"teacher..nk buka puasa..."
"teacher..lambt ag ke buka puasa..."
2 lah suara2 dowg...heheehe kids, ni bwu first day sayang..hehehe
jgn cite lah yg ulang alik g tandas basuh muke...hehehe
macam lah basuh muke tu leh hilang kan dahaga/penat...
mybe inspirasikan air barang kali..hehehehehe
habes waktu sekolah, parents dtg amek..hehehe
semua berdukung..xlarat nk jln da..hehehe
itu lah budak kan...hehehehe
sepanjang jd cekgu ni, aku happy sgt...aku sayang ng kids ni...
for my kids,
aisyah, haiqal, adam, muhd, siti, aiman, firdaus, yazeed, fatin, khairul, yana, luqman, farah, anis, umairah
teacher SAYANG kamoo semua...
thnx for reading yo!
hr ni first day puasa kt tadika...hehehe
kids dtg jeq pg td, semua ok lagi..hehehe ceria ag..
tapi bila msuk tgh hari...semua melepek..hehehe penat ah..
eh2..lupa lak nk bgtau...
kali ni tadika wat seruan pd kids, spe2 dpt puase penuh, akn d beri ganjaran time raya...hehehe
budak2 bese la...awal2 pagi ceria la...xduduk jeq keje ny...
tapi..bile masuk jeq tgh hari....semua dah xdaya...semua mintak air...
"teacher..nk buka puasa..."
"teacher..lambt ag ke buka puasa..."
2 lah suara2 dowg...heheehe kids, ni bwu first day sayang..hehehe
jgn cite lah yg ulang alik g tandas basuh muke...hehehe
macam lah basuh muke tu leh hilang kan dahaga/penat...
mybe inspirasikan air barang kali..hehehehehe
habes waktu sekolah, parents dtg amek..hehehe
semua berdukung..xlarat nk jln da..hehehe
itu lah budak kan...hehehehe
sepanjang jd cekgu ni, aku happy sgt...aku sayang ng kids ni...
for my kids,
aisyah, haiqal, adam, muhd, siti, aiman, firdaus, yazeed, fatin, khairul, yana, luqman, farah, anis, umairah
teacher SAYANG kamoo semua...
thnx for reading yo!
05 August 2010
cik pas vs cik kus vs lelaki budiman
haram kedarjah! (bak kata umai..:p) rini aku incharge kemas2 stor taska kt belakang...hari ni operasi kemas mengemas taska besar-besaran..hahaha ngan berat hati aku menapak kt stor...dalam kepala aku mmg aku da pkir macam2 da..mende lah hidupan yg ada dlm stor ni..huhuhu tul2 aku sampai dpn pintu stor..aku ase meremang dowh..(ececece..bajet seram lak kn..) aku tolak pintu stor...
sheerrrkk!! bunyi nya....
aku melangkah jeq ke dalam, aku tgk keliling..berkurun ke pe xkemas stor...spider a.k.a lelabah da siap wat umah bunglo lam stor 2...hihihi
(overboard suda ni...)
aku toleh kiri, bnyk gyler xnak buang masa, aku senseng lengan bju aku sampai siku...(da cm nk gaduh da.. :p)
aku kemas kotak2 ni dulu...dgn bebekal kan penyapu lidi ng penyapu serami yg diberikan oleh lelaki budiman itu, aku mulakan tugas cuci2 ni..mula2 aku buang lah sarang2 lebah yg de...bnyk siioott! mana kotak2 kosong aku humban luar..sbb jap g de member ak yg tukang kutip..ehhehe
tgh kemas2 tu, leh lak melintas cik kus..selamba dye jeq jln dpn aku...tegamam aku jap...gemok dowh cik kus ni...hidop bahagia gamak ny dlm stor ni...xlama pas tu, mencicit anak2 dye follow..
vavii! geli aku..sumpah! anak2 dye pun sama..montel2 blake...hahahha..tetiba aku tingat member aku, umai..dye ni mmg alergi ng cik kus ni..hahaha
umai, lau kau la yg kena kemas stor ni, sure kau serik...bnyk gyler bestie kau ni..hahahaha gemok2 mai..hahahaha
ok2..smbg cite td, cik kus da blah, aku sambung la kerja aku balek..thnx GOD da xde cik kus pas 2..hehehe settle satu kerja aku..
menapak ke bhgian laen...buku2 lama..bnyk dowh...
(cm sama jeq ayt ni ng kat ats td..ehhehe :p)
bnyk ny la buku2 kat taska book or cekgu2 ny buku..hhehehe setelah di screen test, tggl separuh jeq buku tu..yg masih boleh dipakai...yg laen aku humban kt luar...
sampaikan buku2 owner taska masa kecik pun de...isk! nk wat mende simpan2..nk bg anak tgk ke pe...kau kawen pun belom...hahahhaa
kemas punya kemas, aku nampak musuh ketat aku..cik pas!! mencicit lari..terkejut kot tgk aku masa tu...masa nampak tu leh lak aku terjerit2..malu siot!!
lelaki budiman td dtg stor..myb dye dgr aku jerit2 dlm stor tu..dye tny aku asal aku jerit2..aku ckp r yg aku jpe musuh aku tu, cik pas..dye leh gelak lak..!! alahai kau ni..ingat kn nak tlg aku usir menatang x...aku sekeh kau kang!..
dye ng rendah diri, nak tlg aku kemas stor tu..aku pun setuju jeq lah sebab lau aku sowg2 kemas alamat ny sampai sok xsiap..jpe cik pas, jerit2..bila kerja bole siap...
almost sejam kemas, akhir ny stor 2 bewajah baru..(ecece..poyo! ) nampak la sket cm x..da cm umah berhantu aku tgk mula2 td..huhuhu
terima kasih pd lelaki budiman td kerna tlg aku..hehehe
he start the conversation..
"da lama kt stor td..lupa nak tny nama...nama apa? (LB)
"hehehe...pggl miera jeq..awak? cikgu baru ea? (aku)
"owh..khairul..pggl khai jeq..a' ni masuk.." (LB)
" mana sblm ni? (aku)
"UPSI..pdidikan awal kanak2...awak?" (LB)
" study year swasta jeq..." (aku)
"so keje sini? " (LB)
"part time jeq...bulan 10 habes la..." (aku)
"owh..ingt mmg keje sini..kejap jeq lah ea...." (LB)
"a'ah..jap jeq.." (aku)
the rest is history..
kat nak balek tu, aku tersempak ng cekgu khai ni..dye senyum...
GOD! lesung pipit dye..sooo sweeett! hehehe ( gatai na..)
terkesima aku.....indahnya ciptaan tuhan... ( bak kata kal0ng... :p)
cekgu khai, bg lesung pipit kau pada aku sket..hahahaha
aku nak bg kat kwn aku...kawan aku ni suke tgk owg yg de lesung pipit..hahahaha :p
bawu aku faham cm ne kau rasa masa kau nampak lesung pipit polis yg kau post kt blog kau tu..hehehe
aku faham kini...bila nampak kt depan2, terkesima siot! :p
04 August 2010
mode: confius
isk! susah la cm mana nak bgtau tau kt kau..aku serba salah da ni...huhuhu
aku tahu tentang kau ng budak 2...aku pun faham kau dengan dye da lama..tapi apa yg aku nak ckp ni, hrp2 kau xmarah & tak terasa hati..aku bgtau sebab aku sayang kau..aku xnk la pe2 jd pada kau..
apa yg aku nk bgtau ni, aku harap kau terima & jgn pernah anggap aku nak musnah kan hubungan kau..
why don't u let him go? he's not suitable for u..sungguh! dye xsesuai ng kau..dari dulu lagi aku da ckap..tapi aku xleh nak ckp lebih2...takut kau terasa..tapi skrunk ni aku patut bgtau kau yg dye sebenar nya nak maen2 kau jeq..aku nampak dgn mata kepala aku sendri..memang la kau dgn dye da kt 5 lama dri aku ng H dulu..tapi xkan kau xperasan lansung perubahan dye...
ok..macam ni la..baek aku terus terang ng kau jeq..baru2 ni dye mssge aku..ckp kau lansung xcall dye..aku pelik gak r..asal la kau xcall dye..then dye pun nanges2 cite kt aku..aku layan kan jeq la..sebab dye pun member aku gak...tapi at last, laen yg jd...aku ase no need ak cite detail kt sni..t aib dye lak..kau faham kan??
then hari ni masa aku pusing2 bandar td, aku nampak dye ng gurl dr scullah shahbandar dulu 2...mesra gyler..aku bukan nak saketkan hati kau..tapi aku pun naek menyampah tgk dowg td...kau penah cite kt ak ttg gurl scullah shahbandar 2...kita pun tahu tabiat dak ppuan 2 cm ne cuba pikir balek darl..aku sayang kau jeq..
memang kau xnmpak mende 2..tapi ak cadang kan kau tny terus terang kat dye..then kalau dye berdalih, aku boleh bg kau msge yg dye bg kat aku 2..aku xdelete ag..aku simpan sebab nk tunjuk kat kau...
pe2 hal kau settle lah ng dye elok2..aku xnk kau ng dye bermusuh...
i'll be here if u need me...let it go! jgn simpan2 da..aku tahu selama ni pun kau sedih dgn cara dye kan..
mungkin dye bukan untuk kau..terima lah...myb de lelaki yg baek tgh tggu kau..
aku sayang kau sgt2...
Bali, indonesia..
one of my school senior, syamim talk about bali little bit..dari situ aku da dpt agak bali ni cm ne..heaven dude! sapa2 yg minat xtiviti surfing...sini lah tempat nya..below, i will describe a bit bout bali..hehehe enjoy!

Virtually, you are in Bali. One of the over fourteen thousand islands of the Indonesian archipelago, the island of Bali sits exactly 12 time zones away from New York City, approximately halfway between Singapore on the tip of the South East Asian peninsula and Darwin on the northwestern part of Australia. You can see it on this Asia map.
Uluwatu's beach is considered one of Bali's best surfing spots, attracting surfers from all over the world. BEWARE … this is for experienced surfers only. Lack of supporting facilities is not an obstacle for tourist with adventure spirit to conquer the waves. Uluwatu has, in recent years become equally known as the site of the renowned surf break, which offers real challenges (experienced surfers only) in the water, and spectacular views from the warungs (restaurants) perched on the cliff.
Even if you are not a surfer, Uluwatu should be on your itinerary to visit as there are spectacular views from the warungs (restaurants) perched on the cliff.
The ancient Pura Luhur Uluwatu temple, dedicated to the sprits of the sea, is perched on steep cliffs which have formed where the land ends at the South East coast of the Island. Built in the eleventh century, the temple is one of the oldest and most important temples in Bali. Uluwatu Temple is a classic expression of ancient Bali in a spectacular setting, high above the crashing waves. This is one of the oldest and most important temples in Bali, one of the six original 'Sad Kahyangan' (territorial) temples on the island.

uluwatu...(time sunset mmg cantik...)
Surfing has really gained popularity in today's Bali. As the sun approaches the horizon, you can see line of young Balinese men approaching the beach on their surfboards, controlling them with the same gracefullness as in their traditional dances, mastering the waves and penetrating the tubes.
This well-known village offers you fine arts with an international standard. Respected galleries such as Agung Rai, Sumertha, Rudana, Sika and Neka are recommended visiting as well as the big names of Hans Snel and Antonio Blanco.

Virtually, you are in Bali. One of the over fourteen thousand islands of the Indonesian archipelago, the island of Bali sits exactly 12 time zones away from New York City, approximately halfway between Singapore on the tip of the South East Asian peninsula and Darwin on the northwestern part of Australia. You can see it on this Asia map.
Uluwatu's beach is considered one of Bali's best surfing spots, attracting surfers from all over the world. BEWARE … this is for experienced surfers only. Lack of supporting facilities is not an obstacle for tourist with adventure spirit to conquer the waves. Uluwatu has, in recent years become equally known as the site of the renowned surf break, which offers real challenges (experienced surfers only) in the water, and spectacular views from the warungs (restaurants) perched on the cliff.
Even if you are not a surfer, Uluwatu should be on your itinerary to visit as there are spectacular views from the warungs (restaurants) perched on the cliff.
The ancient Pura Luhur Uluwatu temple, dedicated to the sprits of the sea, is perched on steep cliffs which have formed where the land ends at the South East coast of the Island. Built in the eleventh century, the temple is one of the oldest and most important temples in Bali. Uluwatu Temple is a classic expression of ancient Bali in a spectacular setting, high above the crashing waves. This is one of the oldest and most important temples in Bali, one of the six original 'Sad Kahyangan' (territorial) temples on the island.


Surfing has really gained popularity in today's Bali. As the sun approaches the horizon, you can see line of young Balinese men approaching the beach on their surfboards, controlling them with the same gracefullness as in their traditional dances, mastering the waves and penetrating the tubes.
Kuta is one of the most popular sites; you can now find basically any surfing equipment there. As the sun approaches the horizon, you can see lines of Balinese approaching the beach, controlling their surf-boards with the same gracefulness as their traditional dances, mastering the waves and penetrating the tubes. Even in Kuta Beach and the area around it alone there are places for difficult surfs. It's best to talk to the locals so you won't get into trouble.
On the southern tip of Bali, Uluwatu is also high on a surfer's destination list. The road to the beach is pretty well-hidden, off the road to the temple of Uluwatu (which in itself is an amazing three-court temple on top of a few hundred feet cliff). You can't reach it by car - rent a motorcycle or walk for about two miles to get there. The site is very popular among serious surfers.
for the shopaholic, there is a place to all the mum's yg punya hobby yg menarik! hehehe
Shopping in Bali is not simply walking into a shop, picking something from a shelf and paying for it. Shopping is an art. In every traditional market and art shop around Bali bargaining is a must.
This traditional way makes shopping in Bali a fun time, where you can feel the warmth of human value in every transaction. Before you begin your shopping tour on this island, please obtain cash because most places do not accept credit cards.
As the capital of Bali, Denpasar is the center of "market" activity for local people. The biggest traditional market stands near Badung's river, Kumbasari market. It can give you an insight into the traditional Indonesia market where local people do their daily shopping. Fruit, vegetables and meat can be found in the basement; on the second level is the place for spices and dried goods; while household wares, clothing, art and craft is on the third level. Here you can get a very good price if you're smart in bargaining. In the northern part is Gajah mada Street, where you can find handicrafts and some shoe shops and restaurants. In the eastern part is Sulawesi Street, the place for all kind of fabrics on its both sides with some shops providing household ware in between. The area here is very colorful with all types of material from the traditional 'songket' (cloth woven with strands of gold or silver) to modern day stretchy and shiny material. Why not buy your cloth by the meter and have a suit or dress made up by a local tailor. In the southern part is Hasanudin Street where you can see gold shops, selling jewelry to local people but, of course, the visitor is welcome to buy but please bargain. On the west Side of the market is the place for people to buy coconut leaf and ceremony supplies.
UbudShopping in Bali is not simply walking into a shop, picking something from a shelf and paying for it. Shopping is an art. In every traditional market and art shop around Bali bargaining is a must.
This traditional way makes shopping in Bali a fun time, where you can feel the warmth of human value in every transaction. Before you begin your shopping tour on this island, please obtain cash because most places do not accept credit cards.
As the capital of Bali, Denpasar is the center of "market" activity for local people. The biggest traditional market stands near Badung's river, Kumbasari market. It can give you an insight into the traditional Indonesia market where local people do their daily shopping. Fruit, vegetables and meat can be found in the basement; on the second level is the place for spices and dried goods; while household wares, clothing, art and craft is on the third level. Here you can get a very good price if you're smart in bargaining. In the northern part is Gajah mada Street, where you can find handicrafts and some shoe shops and restaurants. In the eastern part is Sulawesi Street, the place for all kind of fabrics on its both sides with some shops providing household ware in between. The area here is very colorful with all types of material from the traditional 'songket' (cloth woven with strands of gold or silver) to modern day stretchy and shiny material. Why not buy your cloth by the meter and have a suit or dress made up by a local tailor. In the southern part is Hasanudin Street where you can see gold shops, selling jewelry to local people but, of course, the visitor is welcome to buy but please bargain. On the west Side of the market is the place for people to buy coconut leaf and ceremony supplies.
This well-known village offers you fine arts with an international standard. Respected galleries such as Agung Rai, Sumertha, Rudana, Sika and Neka are recommended visiting as well as the big names of Hans Snel and Antonio Blanco.

03 August 2010
my childhood hero...

da lama aku pikir nk post mende ni...tapi xdapat nk post..busy lorh lately ni... my childhood hero..aku rasa semua orang de childhood hero sendiri kan..hehehe same goes to me..childhood hero ak ofcoz Zaquan Adha..national football player.. sejak aku mula kenal ng arena bola ni, aku selalu follow dye ni..aku ase xyah nk cite pjg ttg zaquan ni.. semua orang kenal dye..gerenti potong ayam r...hehehe dye kn de twins..Aidil Zafuan...dowg ni tua setahun jeq pada aku...( bole kire chilhood hero gak ke?? hehehe)
game dowg bnyk gak yg ak g..xkira r kt k.l ke, kt paroi ke..hehehe member2 college aku semua hairan nape la aku addicted sgt ng zaquan adha ni..jwpn ny, aku pun xtau r... xde dlm skema jawapan pun..hehehe biar lah x terjawab....
bukan aku nak puji ke pe, tapi aku ase cara zaquan maen kt tgh padang ni mmg laju...and 1 thing yang aku tgk pada zaquan ni, dye boleh maen if hari hujan..aku leh "class" kn dye ni hero hujan lebat r...gerakan yg laen agak terkandas bile hujan..tapi zaquan x..ehhee goods come with bad one right?? tak semua nya dye ni gak mistake yg dye wat...sometimes, aku tgk bola xlama pd dye..dye xleh nk move ng xleh nk hold bola...then player lawan bnyk attack pada dye...huhuhu as a striker, he should have several plan if this kind situation happen.. patut nya dye kena ada back up plan nk avid mende ni...
apa yang aku kagum dengan zaquan ni, dye gigih dalam kerja dye..aku cuba follow sikap dye...dye gigih berusaha untuk jadi yg lebih baek..ehehe good to you..heheh dye sanggup terima kritikan orang laen, semata2 untuk dye menjadi yg lebih baik..hehehe zaquan ni bukan sorang yg mudah putus semangat... walaupun orang ckp dye ni baran kat tengah padang, tapi aku yakin dye bukan mcm 2 kt luar..hehehe
it proof when aku follow gathering FC dye baru2 ni..ehhehe zaquan ramah dgn semua orang..xlokek berkongsi cerita dgn semua..hehehe kelibat dye menyenangkan semua orang...aku terkejut tgk dye masa tu.. is it yg ak jumpa masa gathering ni zaquan yg laen or zaquan yg sama yg aku tgk tgh padang?? sungguh! dye peramah..
sapa ckp dye sombong? bgtau aku...dye xsombong sebenarnya.. cuma hal peribadi dye xusah lah kita nak ambil tahu..aku boleh katakan dye memang sorg public figure.. tapi dye pun punya kehidupan peribadi sendiri..dan aku sendiri tak nak owg laen msuk campur kehidupan peribadi aku...same goes to him..
ramai gurl2 kt luar sana yg mmg died hard fan dye..hehehe xde sapa nak halang pun dowg nak minat..ehehhee pada aku jgn lah terlalu over..kita tak boleh nak atur hidup dye..biarlah dye pilih hidup dye sendiri..
aku tau segelintir fans dye xsuka dgn berita tentang zaquan baru2 ni..
hehehe gurls! ni hidup dye...walau kowg xsuka mcm mana sekalipun dye ng "artis" 2, terima lah...e2 pilihan dye.. xkan kowg nak dye pun xckp pe2..
xkan kowg as fans dye yg lebey2 professional darl! tak semestinya apa yang kita suka, akan jadi milik kita...
aku ase biar sampai sini aku tulis sal zaquan ni..hehehe kang de lak yg marah aku..ehhehe
for zaquan,
wat lah yg terhabis baik tuk kamoo kejar cita2 kamoo...wish u happy ever after... jdlah anak yg soleh, anak yg taat pada keluarga, permain yg berdisiplin & berdedikasi dan lelaki yg budiman di masa akan datang,..hehehe
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